Homecoming :a film by Beyonce

Notes from the film-2019 -shes had quite a long career so her experiences are more realistic-wanted to make her coachella performance include her culture -had 5 months of long rehearsal to get it to how she wanted -wanted iit to be the highlight of peoples years as she remembers that concerts when she was young made her year -felt equal with her backup dancers as they were all exhausted with the long hours -limited her diet after giving birth as she wanted to get straight back into her career and being able to perform -the dancers all felt honoured to be part of her team -she was the first black woman headliner -she said that she wanted to make something that will live beyond her -her family is her santuary but  when with her team whilst practicing she felt like she was with her family
Who made it
Beyonce and Ed Burke directed it
celebration of her career and her culture
Roger Ebert-It captures a legendary performer at the peak of her powers and translates the energy of the event into cinematic terms ,whilst allowing viewers to fully appreciate all the hard work that went into something that looks so effortless 
Conclusions for my EPQ
This is useful for finding information about Beyonce herself however for my EPQ i don't think it that useful as it doesn't really include experiences of fame ,its more focused around one performance and the rehearsal process


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