halftime-Jennifer Lopez

Notes from watching-2022-shes had a long career and lots of experience directed by Amanda micheli the documentary has a mix of her performing and talking rather than just her shows it shows rehersals does show her acheivements but also shows times where she hasnt won awards -wants to show the world who she is -wants to represent all of the things that mtter to her -loves to escape to the musical world -wanted to use the superbowl to share with her community -she says that no matter what she acheives her personal life aways overshadows them in the media -she felt like she wasnt good enough when she was younger -wanted to quit the industry many times -feels depressed sometimes when she has to spend time away from the kids -likes to give subtle messages to her audience -has always been compared to ideal bodies -'its hard to continue when people think youre a joke' -she felt like shed let everyone down when she didnt win the golden globe -proud that she can hold things together without everyone knowing whats up with her -she says she lost a bit of herself when she tried to build a perfect life -she thought she was going to be nominated for an award but she wasnt so her hopes were up -she doesnt perform for the award she does it to tell stories ,effect change and connect with others -wants to make the world a better place in her own little way -shes proud of herself for keeping it together and feels like shes thriving

Who made it
Amanda Micheli
Purpose and involvement
According to USA Today, Jennifer Lopez told the director that nothing was off limits. 

"We didn't have any ground rules about what was off-limits," Micheli told USA TODAY on the red carpet before Wednesday's premiere. "She was very open to having these extensive conversations with me and didn't edit herself at all. For me personally, I wasn't interested in doing an exposé on Jennifer's relationships, but it was important that we at least touch on that. I think we found the right balance." 
too much recent history rather than her youth(i think this is good as it isnt just a biography)
storytelling went out the window(documentaries dont have to be chronological)
Critical reviews

Rotten tomatoes-Attempting to make us feel bad about someone whose net worth is $400 million currently is an overreach. Halftime's biggest merit resides in how close it comes to evoking that without manipulation
Whether you buy into her reinvention as an ethnic feminist champion, it’s hard not to be by moved by her vulnerability

Halftime reveals that Lopez understands herself to be a perennial underdog, destined to be taken less seriously than her peers. In doing so, it exposes the grotesque nature of the modern fame cycle.
Conclusion and link to my EPQ
Overall,this documentary tells us about ups and downs in her life however i think that the main purpose was to show her struggles as a latina singer as she openly criticised people like Trunp in the documentary which was risky as trump fans may criticise .She aslo was involved but didnt edit herself and allowed the directors to have freedom,she also criticised the fact her and shakira were both cchosen to perform together which also shows the documentary want just to pput her in a good light as people may see her as ungrateful.This links to my EPQ as it shows that music docuemtaries can be helpful to explore negative and postive impacts of fame throughout someones life


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