Demi Lovato-simply complicated

Notes from watching
17 October 2017 Directors: Hannah Lux Davis, Jeff Bierman, Jon Chema made in support of her sixth studio album which shows she may have been trying to make herself bigger-she is still near the beginning of her career so she still has time to make more and hasnt experienced her full career -she was bullied in high school and always felt like an outcast -she started drinking becuase everyone around her was -she was never pressured to find a job by nobody but herself -looking back she now realises the jobs she was doing were too much for anyone nevermind someone of her young age -she was working in music and tv at the same time and she always wanted to be the best -she had to live 2 lives- a 'squeaky clean life and her other life' and she couldnt be herself -as her fame increased the pressure also did -she began to want to look a certain way -she began to onnly want to sing music others would like rather than what she wanted to sing -she had to be a role model even though she was the one who needed a role model -she had anger issues -she hit one of her backup dancers for telling people around her about her drug problem -she sneaked out at night to take drugs -she sometimes wanted to get clen and sometimes didnt -she was diagnosed with bipolar -she began to not care about the consequences of her actions -she used to fake her drug tests -she didnt care about her career ,she only cared about getting drugs -she went into rehab and had to pretend to be recovered whilst judging on x factor but was struggling to keep clean -she feels embarrassed aboutr her past behaviour -she goes back to binging when shes lonely -she says'theres nothing more beautiful than connecting with others through music'
Who made it
Hannah Lux Davis,Jeff Bierman,Jon Chema
Purpose and involvement
Made in support of her sixth album so it may have been a way to promote her album-she was the executive producer
-music isnt the focus but it was sure to be popular
-fans love her openness about her past
-one second is devoted to her charity work but the rest is self centred
-it veers back and forth between what she chooses to reveal
Conclusions for my EPQ
Overall,I think this documentary does usefully explore negative impacts of fame but it is biased as she was the executive producer which means she will have wanted sympathy rather than showing every single piece of her career.It usefully explores negative impacts of fame but also shows how music documentaries may have a hidden purpose


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