Standoms and Parasocial Relationships | Digital Media and Community Wiki

8th Decemebr 2023 Stans-a fan that is overly obsessed with a celebrity Stan vs fan-fans may go to their concerts or have merch where as a stan may base their whole presonality off of a person and may be overly protective of the artist whilst not being able to be ahppy without the celebrity Parasocial relationship-a one sided bond where a person viwes another person as being their friend even though they dont actually need each other positives of stan culture-a place for people with similar interests to form a relationship together.The celebrity may also face positives of stan cultureas they can gain support and money to become more mainstream negatives of stan culture-May be hostile towards people who dont support the person they are a fan of ,they may also use cancel culture against others.There is a risk of forming parasocial reelationships. how to help stan behaviour-tell them that their actions are harmful to themselves and others.If the celebrity makes it clear that they dont accept toxicity it may change their behaviour positives of paranormal relatgionships-important to formation of identity because people can form bonds because of them.People may become more confident because of others relating to them.Another positive is that they can be built on role models which can help them become a better version of themself.They can also act as a stepping stone for other relationships as they alreeady have experience with talking to people. negatives of parasocial relationships-there is a risk of it becoming too obsessive which could harm mental health. It may also replace other relationships in your life.The person may also begin to feel drained if the person doesnt reply or put effort in. how to help parasocial relationships-to check on them and make sure you hold onto your relationship with them. A good way to help parasocial relationships is by joining a community as then they can make other strong relationships around having the same interests.


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